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Apologetics Minute

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that is in you"                        -  1 Peter 3:15

A short, easy-to-read, paragraph that equips Catholics to defend their faith.


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"What is the ‘anagogical sense’ interpretation of reading the Bible?”

            The word “anagogical” means “leading” and to interpret the Bible using the “anagogical sense” is to look at what that Bible passage us is leading us to, its “eternal significance” (Catechism paragraph 117, part 3). One can use this sense to better understand more about where God is leading all people to, which is heaven. This sense is both instructive and inspiring as it gives us a way to look forward, or lead us, to our ultimate destiny, which is perfect communion with God forever.

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St. Justin Martyr, Patron Saint of those who defend their faith, pray for us...

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