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Faith Formation Director

Ministries include Youth and Adult Religious Education, First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation Sacrament Preparation, Rite of Christian Intiation for Adults (RCIA) and Youth Ministry.

My name is Mike Schramm, and I am the Faith Formation Director of Crucifixion and Holy Cross Catholic Parishes in La Crescent and Dakota, MN. I have been at this position since 2012 and have enjoyed becoming a greater part of these Parishes and communities. Here is some further information about me:


I have been Catholic my entire life and attended Catholic elementary and middle school. While in middle and high school, my faith became tepid while I pursued the things of this world that attracted greater interest.


It is surely because of the influence and example of my family, both the one from birth and the one gained through marriage, that I have experienced a reversion to Christ's one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. It is in this reversion that my interest in learning more about, defending and growing in the faith has occured.


I have received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN (now known as Northwestern University - St. Paul) with minors in English Education and Biblical Studies. It is this exceptional education that I enjoy using every day to help others, and myself, grow in faith, hope and charity.


I enjoy spending my free time with my growing family. Pictured is my wife, Jalane, and my sons, Jude (born in 2012) and Zechariah "Zeke" (2013).


I also greatly enjoy reading and writing. My favorite books and the majority of my work can be found on this site under the "Resources" page.


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