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"The deposit of faith is one thing..the way it is expressed is another." - Blessed Pope John XXIII at the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the harbringer of the New Evangelization

Why evangelize in the first place?

  • Because Jesus told us to. The last thing He said to His Apostles as He ascended to heaven was to, "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19).

  • St. Paul also spoke of the importance of personally preaching the Gospel in 1 Corinthians 9:16.

  • Jesus came so that we "might have life more abundantly" (John 10:10) and it is our responsibility to share that life with others.



What is the "New Evanglization"?

  • The New Evangelization, as described by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is, "'re-proposing' the Gospel to those who have experienced a crisis of faith" (

  • This means that while many may have heard the message of Jesus in some form, that message may been incomplete or unsupported by one's actions. This means that the New Evangelization involves presenting the same message but in a "New" and different way.

  • This "New" way also includes the use of new technology. Christians can use this technology to transmit the same message but through mediums that will reach specific groups.



How is it different from the "Old" evangelization?


  • While the first Christians faced their own set of challenges, their message would have interested many in its novelty. Now, it is the assumption by many that Christianity has "run its course," and society has lost its need for it. This is because Christianity has been presented to them, but either in a lukewarm, uncompelling, unchallenging manner, or communicated insufficiently or incorrectly.

  • The New Evangelization is different because it not only has to defend the original claims and show its continued need, but also present the joy that is meant to exude from those with faith, because of the hope that is in them, manifested in charity.



Where can I learn more about the New Evangelization?


  • The link to the USCCB article above is a great place to start.

  • For those less inclined towards reading, there is the New Evangelization program by Fr. Robert Barron and the organization Word On Fire.

  • Another great example of an organization working in this area is the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), whose website can be found by clicking here.


What are ways one can evangelize?



  • Invite a non-Catholic friend or family member to Mass

  • Live like Christ

  • Be joyful about being Christian. This is the primary theme, and title, of Pope Francis' recent Apolstolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, which means "The Joy of the Gospel". It can be downloaded here.

  • Read an inspirational book, share it with a friend and discuss it. Find some great examples here.



  • Vist one of the many websites on the other web resources page, and share this and those sites with someone else.

  • Follow us on Twitter (@Crux_FF_Dept; see the button above)

  • Follow the Pope on Twitter (@pontifex)

  • "Like" a Cathoic Facebook page, like the one for yours, or our Diocese.

  • Listen to and support local and national Catholic radio stations like Relevant Radio and Catholic Answers.

  • Watch and support local and national Catholic television stations like EWTN.








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